The Walking Dead Season 5 Episode 6: Consumed
Gene Page/AMC

During Sunday’s episode of The Walking Dead, Daryl and Carol begin their hunt for Beth, as the episode picks up from when the two are following the Grady Memorial vehicle to track Beth. However, before getting into present time, we get to see a quick glimpse of what Carol was doing when Rick kicked her out of the group in season four.

Back to present time, Daryl and Carol temporarily lose their lead on Beth, as their car runs out of gas, so they decide to settle at a nearby shelter for the night. At the shelter, with very few words being spoken, Carol and Daryl bond over mutual former lifestyles.

The next morning, they continue their hunt and discover a van, tilting off a bridge, with white crosses on the back window, similar to the cross Daryl has seen on the car that kidnapped Beth. Before they could get to the van, Daryl and Carol are robbed by Noah, who we all know escaped Grady Memorial. Noah takes some of their weapons and runs off.

With limited weapons, Daryl and Carol still get to the van and search the inside to find a stretcher with the initials "GM" written on it, and Carol figures that it may be Grady Memorial. However, the two are surrounded by walkers and get stranded in the van. To escape, since the van is tilting off a bridge, the two decide to flip the vehicle off the bridge to the ground below, which is about a 50-foot drop. The two buckle up, and the van goes crashing down. Fortunately, they come out of that sequence with a few bumps and bruises.

The two then set off to another nearby building to scope out Grady Memorial. While at this building, they run into Noah again who is having trouble with a couple of walkers. Daryl and Carol could have left Noah for death, but they decide to help him.

Afterward, they learn that Noah has escaped Grady Memorial and knows about Beth. Unfortunately, one of the Grady Memorial cars is lurking by and as Carol, Daryl, and Noah are trying to escape the building to hide off, Carol runs ahead and gets ran over by the car. Noah holds Daryl back and tells him that the people at Grady Memorial will try to save her, as Carol is placed on a stretcher and taken. In the meantime, Noah lets Daryl know that it will require a lot of people and weapons to help Beth and Carol escape the hospital.

The episode pretty much went as predicted in VAVEL_USA’s previous recap. The person that Daryl has with him at the end of episode three is indeed Noah, and Daryl returns to the church to get more reinforcement. There are only two episodes left until the midseason break, and it looks like Rick’s group is going to be in for another battle, this time with Dawn’s Grady Memorial hospital group.

Episode 6 - Overall Grade: 8.2/10