It's Tulsa, Oklahoma in mid July as Tennessee sports fans travel over 700 miles for a play off final.

This is not college or high school Football nor is this basketball or Baseball, it's soccer.

Chattanooga FC along with teams from across Virginia, Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana are showing you don't have to be in LA or the North East to enjoy soccer.

With growing support from colleges providing soccer scholarships, the South is becoming not only soccer friendly, it's embracing it.

Thousands of fans from all walks of life are attending games in the NPSL and other fourth and fifth divisions below the Mason-Dixon line.

The stereotype of it's "a Latino thing" is being smashed by Americans of all ages turning to soccer as a family friendly sport.

With debate still bubbling over the damage caused to the cranium through college football and NFL, parents see soccer as a  safe sporting outlet.

With attendances for games often averaging over 5000, the fan fuelled teams of the South are less financially and corporate focused.

Their support base in many respects is similar to that of co-op style structures such as Shamrock Rovers in Ireland and on  a more high profile level, FC Barcelona.

The ownership of the club is felt by the fans and for that reason many feel more integrated in a soccer world then  the corporate boxes and flashy lights of NFL and College Football and  Baseball.

The story of how soccer won the South has not yet been told as it is a slow and gradual process but one that is happening and not showing signs of slowing down.