Some of the recently leaked WWE storyline angles will absolutely blow your mind. For example: before Brock Lesnar came into the picture, Chris Benoit was planned to have Paul Heyman take over as his manager.

It would have made some sense to make that move but no one will ever know how it could have changed Benoit’s future. In some weird way Chris Benoit might have never passed away and killed his whole family.

Paul Heyman could only positively effect on someone’s career. He's arguably the greatest manager in the history of professional wrestling. The assumed angle would have been some sort of ECW connection between Heyman and Benoit. Speaking of ECW, if the WWE went with this planned story ECW might have came back sooner than it did and could still be around today.

It's fun to think about what if and try to plan out how a story would have gone in your head. That's the joy of professional wrestling; so much going on behind the scenes and one single move can change the whole course of history. That's what makes professional wrestling so great. The story telling can never be matched.