Over the course of the week it was reported by TMZ that Jeff Hardy was injured during a match at TNA Lockdown. Hardy was climbing to the top of a cage during a match at the Manhattan Center. As he started to climb over the cage, his opponent pushed open the door to the cage, causing Hardy to take a nut shot. As Hardy was sitting there another opponent reached over the top of the cage and struck a blow to Hardy's head, causing Hardy to fall off the door. Hardy hit his head on the steel steps before reaching the floor and was presumably knocked out according to several fans and TMZ.

It was stated that this bump wasn’t planned and that Hardy would need his head scanned by a specialist. This was also followed up by a tweet from brother, Matt Hardy expressing his thanks to the fans for all of their kind thoughts about Jeff's condition. Matt Hardy also posted a video on YouTube, discussing the matter more.

Fans don’t need to worry anymore because the whole thing was planned by TNA. Jeff Hardy becoming injured was TNA’s way of writing him out of action before heading to the United Kingdom. The reason for this is due to Hardy’s criminal record. Hardy can’t travel outside the country and would not be able to go on the UK tour. Matt Hardy is scheduled to be in action overseas, just not Jeff. The “injury” was just a way to explain why Jeff Hardy would not be showing up. Don’t forget this is Jeff Hardy. Hardy is one of the most risky wrestlers and notorious for selling moves.